We love unique and challenging cleaning projects

Who do you call when you need cleaning performed in a very unique environment?

Call us, we have the experience, knowledge and above all the safety training that allows us to work in a unique environment, where a high level of safety and knowledge is required.

Unique environments include areas where you don’t need to call a certified abatement contractor, but you need to have a contractor that has the knowledge that goes way beyond what a typical Janitorial Services company has. We have OSHA 30 and OSHA 10 certified employees on staff and have maintained an NCCI workers comp Mod. Rate of less than .75 since 1990.

janitorial services in ri, ma, ct

Types of Special Project Cleaning Services:

Acoustical Ceiling Cleaning

Blind cleaning

Computer room cleaning

Escalator cleaning

General maintenance

Building Maintenance (painting, repair, tile replacement, etc.)

HVAC Ductwork Cleaning and Robotic Inspection

Project and Sub-Contractor Coordination

Hard surface floor care

Inventory control

Light industrial

Recycling services

Supply management

Laboratory Cleaning

Lighting Maintenance

Some examples of past projects completed:

High tech North Haven manufacturer of medical instruments and supplies. We steam cleaned multi-million dollar pieces of equipment and production rooms during their shut downs on a number of occasions. Because of the expense of their equipment and the impact of their production, time is of the essence when it comes to completion of the cleaning project. We need to get in and get the job done safely and on time so that they can get their equipment back on line to produce income for them.

Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturing facility formerly located in West Haven We were asked to provide cleaning services for the “Interstitial Space” located in this facility. Interstitial space is the area between the roof and ceiling where all of the mechanical components and wiring is run. Extreme care must be taken not to step on or in any way damage any of the pipes or wires while working. Since the early 1960’s when the buildings were built, contractors had carelessly tossed trash and other materials in this very confined area. Our client was scheduled to be inspected by the FDA and needed to have this area cleaned out and made presentable. This project required 6 employees to work on site for almost four months and was performed on a time and materials basis.