Whether you currently have an in-house cleaning crew or you are outsourcing your janitorial services, a deep clean of your facility is something that should be done periodically. You may be asking yourself, “If my facility is cleaned every day, why would I need a deep cleaning?” The answer to that is, it’s impossible for a facility to be 100% cleaned every single day. Think of all the objects within your facility that have not been moved since being installed or set up. Now, let’s dive into, Deep Cleaning Service – When is the Best Time to Schedule?

Returning to the Office After Working From Home

The long-awaited return to the office has come! According to Inc.com, “Nearly 75% of Businesses Report they’re bringing employees back to the office”  since working from home during the pandemic. If you’re a facilities manager, this may be your last chance to have an empty facility for more than a weekend. It’s certainly an advantage to have a deep clean service come in before the employees return. You can have the cleaning service move items, and take more time in the facility to ensure optimal cleanliness. A bonus to this is, your employees will return to a seriously clean environment and that will show them you are committed to keeping the workplace clean!

You Have an Important Visitor

So, you have a current or potential customer, partner, or corporate ‘higher up’ planning a visit to your facility. This may be a great time to schedule a deep cleaning. You may already know you’re the best company to land the job, but does your facility look like it? Hiring a deep clean service is the cherry on top of any visit from an important entity.

Your numbers can be great, your personnel can be the most knowledgeable and trustworthy but if your facility gives off a bad impression, it may be hard to recover from. This idea is most important in the manufacturing sector. Oftentimes potential customers will visit the facilities they are selecting from. This is to ensure that their component will be produced in a clean and organized environment. So production mistakes are unlikely, or at least, few and far between. Don’t pass up the opportunity to impress by how tidy your facility looks. It can be a deciding factor to winning jobs, and keeping the higher-ups happy!

You Are Getting New Equipment/ Appliances

Are you replacing and upgrading your old equipment or appliances? This is the perfect time to schedule a deep cleaning! You will rarely get the opportunity to clean behind or under breakroom appliances or machines in the shop. When something needs to be replaced, give yourself some time in between hauling out the old appliance or piece of equipment and the replacement delivery. Have a company like Advantage Maintenance come in and deep clean the area for you! You will have the ability to clean the floors and surrounding area of any scuffs or stains left behind. Also, this will give you an opportunity to give the area a once-over. Now you can make sure the old equipment wasn’t leaking or causing any structural damage to the area.

You Look Beneath the Surface

You don’t need to be moving things or waiting for the perfect time, because that will never come. If you can align your deep cleaning service with one of the above scenarios that would be optimal, but if you just notice that things are not as clean as they should be or you want a “clean slate” definitely schedule a deep clean! Companies like Advantage Maintenance have special project teams that handle deep cleans and are experienced in cleaning all environments. From warehouses to offices and production floors. Areas don’t need to be empty to get clean, although it helps!

Conclusion – Deep Cleaning Service – When is the Best Time to Schedule?

Scheduling a deep cleaning is something you won’t do often. But when you do, you will want to choose the optimal time. This will ensure that those hard-to-reach areas get cleaned. The process will be less grueling when performed once or twice a year, rather than once every 5-10 years! Scheduling regular deep clean in conjunction with regular day-to-day professional janitorial services is the best way to always have a clean facility!