So, You just signed on with a commercial janitorial service, after reading our blog: Selecting the Right Janitorial Service Companies to Interview, you selected the ideal janitorial service to clean your facility. Now what? Sit back and wait for them to start cleaning? Not quite. Now is the time to set expectations for your new cleaning service, as well as monitor their efforts. Whether your reason for hiring this company was solely based on budget, environment, size, or any other factor, you need to make sure you are getting what you signed up for. Let’s explore What You Should Be Expecting from Your Commercial Janitorial Service!.
1. Open Communication

It is very important for you to have open communication with your commercial janitorial service. If something needs to be changed, updated, or adjusted in any way, there should be no issue with you picking up the phone and getting a hold of your point of contact. Not only that, but after communicating, you should see the changes in action. This lets you know that your voice was heard and understood, and your janitorial service did their part in communicating that directly from managers to the crew that is at your facility.
2.Attention to Detail

During the bidding process, your current janitorial service offered you everything you could possibly need, at a fair price. They seemed confident, competent, and excited to start working at your facility. Are you still feeling the love? Your facility should be as clean one year into your service as it was after day one. If attention to detail has significantly fallen to the waste side, then you may want to reference our blog: 6 Signs Your Cleaning Company Has Quit on You and What to do About It.

Mistakes shouldn’t happen often, but when they do, it’s on the janitorial service to make it right. Whether that means retraining employees, applying for the appropriate credits, or finding another way to ‘right the ship’. The last thing any company needs is their janitorial service not acknowledging a simple mistake and fixing it.
4.Quality Service

At the end of the day, it all comes down to the service. Ask yourself, are you happy with how your facility looks? If you’re not, you should discuss the quality with the janitorial service. If they are serious about retaining your business, and their reputation, they should have no issue with showing you how important your business is to them.
Conclusion – Commercial Janitorial Service- What You Should be Expecting
You should expect your commercial janitorial service to be professional and take pride in their work. Anything less is unacceptable. Advantage Maintenance has over 35 years of experience with clients in property management, entertainment and art venues, multi-tenant office buildings, major corporations, banks, financial institutions, medical facilities, manufacturing facilities, and schools.
Our company is committed to excellent service and we are willing to “put our money where our mouth is” and guarantee that you’ll be satisfied. This is a quality guarantee for every Advantage Maintenance Inc. project.