Thinking about cutting ties with deskside cans in your office? Today we teach how to ditch the deskside cans: The value of centralized waste stations

While not new, centralized waste stations are beginning to see a resurgence in the workplace to encourage better waste practices. It’s a group of cans designated for multiple waste streams in a centralized location that requires people to walk to dispose of their waste in the appropriate cans.

Why should you have centralized waste stations instead of deskside cans?

Deskside cans are notoriously trash cans only, leading to contaminated waste streams and very little recycling. A centralized waste station eliminates the convenience of throwing something away without much thought and provides a solution to making sure waste materials are properly disposed of.

The act of getting up from one’s desk to dispose of waste as a “Water Cooler Moment” that doesn’t really exist anymore, providing a chance for employees to interact with peers.

What does the planning and implementation period look like?

It’s important to the importance for new or redesigned buildings to make it part of the design from the beginning. The result is setting up appropriate waste habits from the start.

Baseline Waste Audit

  • The goal is to determine how much recycling is occurring with existing deskside cans.
  • Additionally, this helpes determine how many centralized cans they would need.

Bin Selection

  • Through the process of choosing the right bin for the space ask tenants about their experience with existing cans, also consider accessibility for people in wheelchairs, janitorial staff interactions with the cans and their ease of taking out the waste, and finally, the color of the cans.

“Choose one color and stick with it throughout the space in order to keep the recycling program as consistent as possible throughout the building.”


  • Ensuring appropriate signage and graphics for the cans were used was key to a successful program rollout.
  • Signage showing images of the actual waste items your employees are generating is most effective in combination with written words.

“Talk to vendors and haulers to make sure you know what materials are accepted in each waste stream  in regards to what images you should include in signage.”

How do you roll out to employees?

Communication is key. To introduce the program to tenants, an email should be sent two weeks prior to the rollout of the centralized waste stations. It should include:

  • Why centralized waste stations were going to be implemented.
  • When deskside cans are taken away.
  • The role each individual tenant played in making this recycling program a success.

“If you can introduce the centralized waste station program to managerial teams and get them on board with the program first, it will be much easier to get the individual tenants on board as they are more inclined to support a program their manager supports.”

Prior to the rollout, consider several presentations for employees companywide to introduce the program and go into detail about why it was such an important initiative for the company to increase diversion rates. Give employees the opportunity to ask questions and feel they are a part of the initiative. 

Considder an online forum for employees to provide real-time feedback and ask questions to her and her team.

What stakeholders did you engage to make this rollout a reality?

Key stakeholders involved from start to finish of program rollouts should include:

  • Property Management – A property management company can lead the initiative and manage the rollout process.
  • Facilities/Janitorial Staff – Facilities and Janitorial staff are ultimately responsible for the waste collection and removal of waste from the building floors so were the critical players in the conversation.
  • Department Heads – Department heads are key to getting their teams on board with company-wide initiatives.
  • Waste Hauler – The waste hauler will need to confirm how materials should be separated in a centralized waste station program as they are the team that ultimately collects the waste to recycle and guarantee it ends up in appropriate waste facilities.
  • Tenants – Tenants use the cans, so it is important to ensure they feel like they are part of the initiative.

What are some of the responses from employees you should be prepared for?

  • Employees often suggest different placement spots for the centralized waste stations lead to valuable location changes.
  • Some employees complained about the added time and disruption in their productivity of having to walk to a centralized station as opposed to having a can placed next to their desks.
  • The “Tissue Issue” — employees expressing concern over allergies and illnesses and needing a bin desk side to avoid having to get up more frequently than someone without allergies or illness.
    A suggestion is for employees to keep a cup deskside to consolidate tissue waste and dispose of it all at once.
  • Ultimately, there are always going to be complaints but to not go overboard with making exceptions.

What were the biggest challenges you will face during this entire process?

Negative Feedback

  • Fedback can stall the rollouts. “You need to prove that this could change behaviors and diversion rates.” Be sure to conduct audits on the floors where deskside cans were removed versus floors where deskside cans remained, comparing diversion rates.


  • As a new project in an existing building, the cost of new trash cans added up.

What is the biggest success throughout this process?

Success rate

  • A potential 20% improvement in diversion rates on each floor that was previously using deskside cans.
  • The influence of the education campaign most likely improves diversion rates throughout the process.

Behavioral improvements

  • Tenants know have to consider where their waste went with centralized waste stations instead of automatically throwing everything in one bin conveniently located next to their desks.

Re-education opportunity

  • By putting structure to a recycling program, educating tenants, and using appropriate cans and signage, better waste habits were achieved.

What advice would you give to someone implementing centralized waste stations in their office environment?

Have a plan and follow the steps starting with an audit that proves waste is not ending up in the appropriate bin. Be sure to identify the soft cost savings as well as environmental benefits to ensure people see the full picture and are willing to contribute.

“Tenants want to do more and want to work for a company that is sustainability focused. Leverage that.” 

Ditch the deskside cans: The value of centralized waste stations! Looking to implement a centralized trash sate stations and need a hand? Contact Advanrtage Maintenance Inc